Episode 166: Men’s Ministry with Mike Young
- Discipleship
- Discipleship
Recommended Resource: Deep Discipleship
Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus by J.T. English Everyone is being discipled. […]
- christian living
Why Believers Must Avoid Immoral Joking
Several months ago, I wrote on why how we talk as believers matters. I’ve hesitated since then writing […]
- Discipleship
8 Characteristics of Disciple-Making Churches
I admit that the North American church has done a poor job of making disciples. Too often, we […]
- Discipleship
Episode 147: Pastors and Disciple-Making with Dr. George Robinson
Recommended Resource: “DiscipleShift”
DiscipleShift: Five Steps That Help Your Church to Make Disciples Who Make Disciples by Jim Putman and […]
7 Reasons Why Pastors Must Invest in A Few Young People – And How to Begin
I listened intensely today as I heard a great, mature preacher talk about the influence of his pastor […]
Episode 141: Discipleship through Mentoring
Episode 111: A Conversation on Theology and Discipleship with Jen Wilkin and J.T. English
10 Changes to Strengthen Your Student Ministry
I spent 13 years of my life in student ministry, and I loved every one of them. As […]
The Long Road of Discipleship
Our world has developed an obsession with speed and efficiency, and at times, it seems as if everything in life has been affected in one way or another. Major League Baseball instituted an assortment of rules aimed at speeding up games. Fast-food restaurant chains compete to get customers their food as quickly as possible. Businesses regularly push workers to maximize efficiency by completing the same amount of work in less time.
Preaching to Make Disciples
You and your family are going to take a trip…a long trip. So you pull up Google Maps on your computer just to get an idea of how long your trip is going to take and what it might look like. But what you find is not one suggested path, but four. You now have four legitimate ways to get to your final destination.
Episode 11: Pastors and Equipping Women in the Church
In this episode, Dr. Julia Higgins (Assistant Professor of Ministry to Women at SEBTS) joins Ronjour and Brandon to discuss the importance of equipping and mobilizing women in the local church.
For Pastors’ Wives: What You are Experiencing is Not Normal
Real talk, ladies. What you are experiencing is not normal, but maybe you wish it were. You husband is home like you’ve always wished he would be. How many times have you begged your husband to come home early for dinner, to attend your son’s baseball practice, or take turns reading to your little ones at bedtime? Well, guess what? You’ve got your wish! He’s home. Are you enjoying this newfound togetherness, or have you found yourself desiring more space? Whatever your reaction, I challenge you.
Parenting During a Pandemic
Parenting is hard. This is a statement that rings true to anyone with children in their home on even the best of days. What about when crisis strikes and the circumstances change? What happens when all the other people to whom we have been entrusting the care of our children are all of the sudden not able to be present in their lives? This is exactly the parenting predicament in which we find ourselves in the world of COVID-19 and the Shelter-in-Place regulations. Suddenly, we as parents find ourselves learning how to be teacher, coach and counselor in addition to being a 24/7 parent.
How the Local Church Can Prepare Single Women for the Mission Field
Months ago, I sat in a coffee shop chatting with two other women who served on mission overseas as single women in difficult areas of the world. One of the women had recently talked with a missions leader at her church. That leader pointed out the high number of single women on the mission field and asked her how church leaders can prepare single women to go overseas as missionaries.
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