Bless Every Home App
“You can download the Bless Every Homeapp and plug in your physical address and it will map out every household around you. I signed up as a light on the Bless Every Home app, and it mapped 50 households that are in my neighborhood with the names. I get an email every single day with five names of my neighbors to begin to pray, care, and share with. And so on a regular basis, I’m reminded of the lostness that lives right around me.”
– Dr. George Robinson on the Pastor Matters podcast: Episode 148
Timothy Scholars
Students who have a calling to pastoral ministry in a local church can complete a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity in five years through the Timothy Scholars program (BA to MDiv). Students in this program must have a passion for learning and maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher. Timothy Scholars (BA to MDiv) students also have the opportunity to complete coursework under the leadership of a local church pastor, complete mission hours both nationally and internationally, and experience ministry first hand
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